Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sorry RSN

Sorry RSN for failing to really comment on the status of my beloved Red Sox. However with recent headlines all covering the sudden death of the King of Pop, and the Mets taking me on such an emotional roller coaster as well as preparations to a week long vacation, I have found it very difficult to keep track of my out of town team. I'm just glad that the Red Sox have made it easy for me by staying on top of things. I'm the kind of fan that pays extra attention to their team when times are tough, I know they got the bandwagon for when things are going well.

I would like to take this moment to congratulate Left fielder Jason Bay on becoming a US citizen today. Canadian born Bay was sworn in today at Faneuil Hall in Boston. In an interview he stated that he is proud of his dual citizenship and that although he is now an American "it doesn't mean I cease being Canadian. I'll always be Canadian."

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